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#1 World's most advanced IP nurse call system

Digitalize your entire healthcare processes with NurseCare

NurseCare is an intelligent, interactive IP nurse call system that digitalizes healthcare administration and health information management, easing the workflow process. It is designed for healthcare personnel working in hospitals, clinics, care homes, nursing homes, and other healthcare institutions.

Combine your smart nurse call system with healthcare management and nursing documentation in one device. Wide installation possibilities are at your disposal, with the option of connecting your current nurse call systems, regardless of the brand, or using the existing installation in your building.

nurse using IP nurse call systemIP nurse call system deviceKlicna tipka za sestrski klicSos tipka

NurseCare Key benefits of using an IP nurse call system for nursing personnel

Ensures the safety of healthcare personnel and their patients.

Relieves nursing and caring professionals.

Optimizes work processes in healthcare institutions.

Optimizes expenses in hospitals and clinics.

Improves healthcare quality and efficiency.

Provides the best solution for patient care and safety.

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Transform your healthcare processes

Our smart nurse call system helps you digitalize and improve processes in hospitals, care homes, nursing homes and healthcare institutions.

See all the benefits below:

Relieve personnel

Alleviate stress from your healthcare personnel and improve your nursing staff workflow by ridding them of mundane administration duties that are done automatically via the NurseCare administration management system.

Optimize workflow processes

Get your work processes to run more efficiently by using NurseCare that digitalizes all work processes in nursing homes, hospitals or any other healthcare institution.

Create added value

Combine your smart nurse call system with healthcare management and nursing documentation in one smart device. Decrease expenses by integrating NurseCare to digitalize and automate numerous healthcare processes.

Digitize maintenance work

Healthcare personnel can document all maintenance work required (failures in the system, cleaning, etc.) from their room. This ensures a more efficient response from maintenance and cleaning staff.

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One smart device,
countless functionalities

NurseCare is more than just a digital nurse call system.

Optimizes healthcare management

NurseCare digitalizes work processes in healthcare institutions, optimizes expenses, relieves healthcare personnel, and improves the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.

Based on advanced IP technology

NurseCare is the only IP nurse call system on the market that combines an emergency nurse call system with healthcare management and nursing documentation in one device.

Compatible with any healthcare institution

NurseCare can be installed in any existing or new building and can be connected to existing nurse call systems of any brand.

See all our solutions


One smart nurse call system to cover a complete healthcare institution

centralized hospital management and ip nurse call system in one device

Other Solutions we offer to improve patient safety and elderly care

Ready to improve your healthcare processes?

We are always available to assist you with your nursing care needs.
Choose the best next step that aligns with your current priorities.


Any questions? Contact us via email.

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